LUND, Sweden I April 7, 2020 I Cantargia AB today announced that the application for a US IND regarding the antibody CAN04 has been submitted to the US FDA. CAN04, an antibody targeting interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP), is currently being investigated for treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreatic cancer (PDAC) in phase IIa clinical development in Europe.


23 Mar 2021 CAN10, Cantargia's experimental therapy for scleroderma, safely 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP) as a means to suppress signals from 

no. 556791-6019, is a biotechnology company that develops antibody-based treatments for life-threatening diseases. The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. More information about Cantargia is available at About CAN04 The antibody CAN04 binds strongly to the target IL1RAP and functions both though ADCC as well as blocking IL-1α and About Cantargia Cantargia AB (publ), reg.

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Den ursprungliga upptäckten från forskargruppen bakom Cantargia var ett överuttryck av en specifik målmolekyl, interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein “IL1RAP”, i leukemistamceller. Idag presenterar Cantargia AB nya data kring antikroppsterapi riktad mot interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP) vid “American Association of Cancer R Cantargia 7 juli, 2020 Resultat i fas 2a närmar sig Kort om prekliniskt skede. Bolaget befinner sig i en fas 2a CAN04. Bolagets kunskapsbas forskning kring ett inflammatoriskt protein, IL1RAP, som återfinns på tumörceller stort antal cancersjukdomar IL1RAP ingår i den stora familjen av interleukin inflammatoris Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against the interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP).

Cantargia develops IL1RAP-targeting antibodies for treatment of cancer and inflammation and has reached clinical phase II in non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. Key requirements : · PhD in Immunology, Tumor immunology or Tumor biology.

0% ORR/ 43% CBR for the dose-escalation monotherapy  CAN04 is a first-in-class fully humanized monoclonal antibody targeting IL1RAP, a co-receptor for the IL-1 receptor which is expressed on human cancer cells. 20 Oct 2016 In the new study Cantargia shows that high levels of IL1RAP are expressed also in several different solid tumours, including non-small cell lung  9 May 2018 antibody attaches to the IL1RAP receptor molecule and blocks it from Cantargia's lead candidate CAN04 targets the IL1RAP molecule and  15 Dec 2020 The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases Cantargia is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ticker: CANTA).

Cantargia il1rap

The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. The main project, the antibod.

mAb anti. IL1RAP.

Cantargia il1rap

Pancreatic Ductal. 23 Aug 2019 IL1RAP was found in the tumor microenvironment in all samples and approximately 80 % of the patients contained IL1RAP positive cancer cells. Description. Cantargia AB is engaged in the development of products used in the treatment of cancer. It has developed specific antibodies against IL1RAP to treat   28 Jan 2015 The IPO is intended to give Cantargia the cash to push ahead with lead candidate targets interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP),  10 mars 2020 — Cantargia utvecklar antikropps-baserade läkemedel riktade mot interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). Det längst komna  16 apr. 2018 — Idag presenterar Cantargia AB nya data kring antikroppsterapi riktad mot Cantargias antikroppar mot IL1RAP kan blockera IL-1-systemet och  19 mars 2021 — Cantargia AB rapporterade idag om nya prekliniska resultat som stärker Antikroppen CAN10 binder IL1RAP med hög affinitet och fungerar  10 feb.
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Projektet utgår från hämning av tre inflammatoriska cytokinsystem (IL-1, IL-33 och IL-36) via en antikropp riktad mot målmolekylen interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP).

Cantargia is a clinical stage biotechnology company based in Sweden, established in 2009 and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm main market. It is developing two antibodies against IL1RAP, nidanilimab (CAN04) and CANxx.
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Cantargia 7 juli, 2020 Resultat i fas 2a närmar sig Kort om prekliniskt skede. Bolaget befinner sig i en fas 2a CAN04. Bolagets kunskapsbas forskning kring ett inflammatoriskt protein, IL1RAP, som återfinns på tumörceller stort antal cancersjukdomar IL1RAP ingår i den stora familjen av interleukin inflammatoris

Cantargia AB meddelade idag förvärvet av en patentportfölj från Cellerant Therapeutics Inc vilken täcker olika aspekter runt ”interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein” (IL1RAP). Den förvärvade patentportföljen inkluderar ett amerikanskt patent kring IL1RAP som måltavla för antikroppsterapi inom leukemi. IL1RAP • Three different systems signal through IL1RAP • These systems contribute to various inflammatory diseases • Can be blocked by antibodies against IL1RAP 29 Cantargia partnership with Panorama Res Inc (Sunnyvale, CA) Cantargia utvecklar en antikroppsbaserad behandling riktad mot målmolekylen IL1RAP som har potential att användas för ett flertal olika cancersjukdomar. Cantargia förvärvar patentportfölj runt IL1RAP från Cellerant tis, mar 10, 2020 08:45 CET. Cantargia AB meddelade idag förvärvet av en patentportfölj från Cellerant Therapeutics Inc vilken täcker olika aspekter runt ”interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein” (IL1RAP). Cantargia AB meddelade idag förvärvet av en patentportfölj från Cellerant Therapeutics Inc vilken täcker olika aspekter runt ”interleukin 1 receptor accessory p Cantargia förvärvar patentportfölj runt IL1RAP från Cellerant | Placera Cantargia acquires Cellerant IP on IL1RAP Tue, Mar 10, 2020 08:45 CET. Cantargia AB today announced the acquisition of a patent portfolio from Cellerant Therapeutics Inc covering aspects around the interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Forskningsbolaget Cantargia köper en patentportfölj kring IL1RAP som måltavla för antikroppsbehandling inom blodcancerformen leukemi från Cellerant Therapautics.

CAN04 is a first-in-class fully humanized monoclonal antibody targeting IL1RAP, a co-receptor for the IL-1 receptor which is expressed on human cancer cells.

While we acknowledge that Novartis's data has created negative sentiment, we believe  att leukemistamceller uttrycker ett protein på cellytan - IL1RAP - som inte uttrycks SE0011282847 | Börse Stuttgart Cantargia Aktie Forum (CANTA Cantargia  • IL1RAP is a novel target for antibody therapy • IL-1, IL-33 and IL-36 use IL1RAP for signaling • IL-1 and IL-33 function through distinct binding • Generating antibodies blocking various function of these cytokines • CAN04 is entering phase IIa clinical trials in NSCLC and pancreatic cancer Cantargia acquires Cellerant IP on IL1RAP Cantargia AB today announced the acquisition of a patent portfolio from Cellerant Therapeutics Inc covering aspects around the interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). The acquired IP includes a US patent on IL1RAP as a target for antibody therapy in leukemia. Cantargia AB (publ), reg. no.

Nidanilimab is being studied in a Phase I/II CANFOUR in solid tumours focusing on NSCLC and pancreatic cancer.